10 interior tips for your work van

Van Interior Tips

You’ve just brought your used van, it drives like a beauty, the transmission is perfect and the tyres are sturdy. But…  just like your toolbox, it’s what’s on the inside that really makes the difference. To make your van truly ‘yours’, it will often require a few interior updates and some organising to ensure it meets your needs and helps keep you productive. 

There are several elements to a van’s interior that matter; so many that beginning the task of organising everything is often overlooked, most people will simply throw their tools in the back on their first day taking it to work. We get it, you’re busy, so here at Van Now we’ve compiled a list of 10 tips, to help you get the most from the inside of your new used van and make your life a whole lot simpler. 

1. Work out the key areas of space

Your van will most likely have two very distinct spaces: the driver’s section at the front which should be your ‘comfort zone’ and the back of your van which should be your ‘workspace’. The workspace will become the core focus, but by defining one section as comfort and the other as work you can clearly define what is kept in both. 

The back is where you’ll keep all your tools, equipment, and supplies. But what about the comfort section? This area can often get cluttered. It’s important to make it a rule to only keep a few necessary comfort items and your admin docs in the front, for example, your invoices, service forms, and product guides. Try to keep your ‘comfort area’ clean and free of tools. It will feel better – and look better to customers.

2. Plan and fit storage solutions 

Now you’ve worked out your spaces, you need to start thinking about the best storage solution to organise your van’s space. For example, could that load space do with some racking? If you have a lot of tools, you’ll most likely end up with some sort of van shelving, if not then you can go for a more minimal storage solution. The first thing to do is look at your budget, create measurements and decide if you’re going to order some kit, or build something from scratch. Once you’ve done that, you can devise a plan and fit the perfect storage solution to your budget.

3. Biggest at the bottom

Once you’ve built an effective storage system in your work section, the first thing to think about is the size of your items. We recommend storing any bigger items you’ve got on the floor or in lower compartments of the van, leaving room for smaller items towards the top. It will make life easier on your back! 

4. Add some lighting

During the months of the year where you’ll inevitably get to your job site in the dark, you don’t want to be using a torch to find all your tools. Avoid this faff by attaching some tap-activated lights on the interior side of your van load space and doors. Having lighting in your load space will help you see and find the tool you need, whatever the time of day.

5. Don’t forget to label your storage 

It might not be the first thing that comes to mind, but when you’ve got all your tools and equipment loaded into your van you should consider adding labels to all your storage sections. Label all bins, shelves, and drawers with item names to get what you need for the job in a matter of seconds – trust us, it’s a lifesaver when time is tight! 

 6. Add extra security inside your van

If you’re going to store tools, equipment, or components in the work area of your van, and you work on a job site where the doors of the van are going to remain open then you should consider extra security. Invest in a good steel and aluminum lockable drawer and you won’t need to worry about the safety of any expensive tools or equipment. If you’d like to know more about how to keep your van secure, we’ve got another article, here

7. Ensure you’ve got easy access

It’s important to remember you’ll need to access and move inside your van easily. Ensure you leave space between shelves so you can step into the van freely and access everything you need easily, ideally you should be able to reach every corner of the van. This is especially important if you use a high-roof van as it’s easy to disregard storage options and just place items everywhere on the premise ‘the space in the back is big enough’. 

8. Add a personal touch  

To make the van ‘yours’ consider adding a personal touch to the interior spaces. This could be something simple like using your favourite colour on the storage sections you’ve added, or it could be a few home comforts to brighten up your day. Essentially, it’s your office space so why not make it a place you’re happy to spend your time.

9. Consider your comfort, even in the back of the van 

Chances are you are going to be spending a lot of time in your van so a few, small considerations for comfort can make a big impact on your life. For example, the hard surface of the floor can be difficult on the knees when reaching in to get equipment. You can add some padded floor mats around the door to make it more comfortable for leaning in to grab items throughout the day. You might also want to think about a heater for your van, they come in handy during those winter months! 

10. No mess makes your day easier 

We know it’s not hard for the work area of your van to become a bit of a state by the end of the day. It’s always the same: dirt gets in, food wrappers fall on the floor and material debris gets on the surfaces of your van. Doing a quick 5-minute van tidy at the end of each day will open up the van’s space and help you stay productive. A good tip is to make sure you have some bin bags on hand so you can always get rid of the crap you don’t want each day! 

Keeping your van organised is the first step to helping your days run smoothly and productively so you can crack on! Looking for more tips to help you get more from your van, check out our other in-depth articles

When you want extra guidance, feel free to talk to our specialist dealer partners. They supply thousands of vans every year and with all their experience they’ll always be happy to help.

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